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狮吼音·开示集:真正的慈悲心 |
当我们在谈论发起慈悲心时,我们讨论的重点是发自内心的真诚态度。如各位所知,所谓的真实有时是个人主观的认定。在这个时代,人们可以造假——表面如此,实际不然。真正的慈悲是发自内心利益他人,而不是以作秀为目的。我们必须悟入真心,令能真实启发我们的慈悲心,而了解发慈悲心才是修行的要点。我们必须探究为什么我们要培养慈悲。发现真正的原因之后,我们才能在修习「施受法」时产生真正的慈悲心。 When we talk of generating loving kindness and compassion, we are talking about the importance of the genuineness of this attitude. Authenticity is something personal, which one would know. These are times when people can fake it, externally demonstrating one thing, while, internally, something else is going on. We are talking about genuine compassion, sincerely for the benefit of others, not for the purpose of deceptive show. We must access the true resources of our minds ourselves, finding the facts that genuinely inspire one to generate loving kindness and compassion, understanding that generating loving kindness and compassion is the primary point. We must personally probe the real reasons why one should cultivate loving kindness and compassion. Having found the genuine reasons, then one can truly begin to generate the mind of loving kindness and compassion by applying the practice of tonglen, taking and sending.