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狮吼音·开示集:2005年新春贺词 |
2005年新春贺词 佛宝 有如珍贵的太阳 法宝 明亮真实 正如同灿烂的阳光 僧宝 接受太阳光芒的滋润 有如莲花园中绽放的花朵 三宝尽善尽美的呈现 祈愿三宝能发扬光大 佛光永远普照众生 祈愿新的一年 我们所居住的地球和平繁荣 人类可以免除病魔的摧残 并且成就多种事业 Coming from the sun of the precious Buddha The smiling rays of luminous Dharma, precious and genuine, Bring to blossom the lotus garden of the sangha, the supreme assembly, May the three realms reveal all their beauty in auspicious glory. In this new year may there be peace and prosperity on this earth May you live long and be free from all form of sickness May you accomplish success in everything that you do.