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狮吼音·开示集:修行者的基本特质 |
生命是珍贵的。我们此生的行为,即使短暂如刹那,也可能有重大的意义。任何时刻的行为都可以是好或坏的转捩点。因此,我们有责任觉察分辨什么是良善的,什么是有害的,同时尽力让每一刻的行为都做到最好,因为任何时候都可能对我们的生命有重大的意义。 我们必须牢记─我们是修行者。所谓修行者,意味我们具备积极正面的动机与人生观。修行者的基本特质就是他的任何行为都是正面而且对众生有利益的。我们应尽一切努力使我们所有的行为都能有正面有益的结果。 The whole timeline of our life is precious. Our actions of not just a lifetime, but of even a moment, can be of tremendous significance. The actions of a moment can be the turning point for good or for bad. Therefore, we must have a sense of responsibility, discerning what is virtuous and of purpose, and what is not of benefit and of harm. With that discernment, we take the responsibility to act, in each moment, in the best possible way, knowing that any moment or continuity of moments could be the most significant impact on the course of the rest of one’s life. We should bear in mind that we regard ourselves as practitioners of the Dharma. This should mean that we are positively motivated. We want to develop positive outlook. We want to direct our activities towards wholesome and positive outcomes. That is the basic characteristic that distinguishes a practitioner of the Dharma. … We need to commit ourselves to using all our resources and directing ourselves towards a wholesome, beneficial, positive outcome.
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即以此功德,庄严佛净土。上报四重恩,下救三道苦。惟愿见闻者,悉发菩提心。在世富贵全,往生极乐国。 |